
"Once a year go someplace you've never been before"

So now I feel like writing a post. My last competition went really good. I got silver in my own weight category and in open. The biggest thing I was proud over was that I made the weight. That was mentally a hard one for me, but I did it.

In 2 weeks I will compete in my first BJJ competition and need to start cutting weight again. 

Otherwise what is happening in my life at the moment.. Well I'm trying to figure out what I want in my life, don't know why I'm stressing about it, but it feels like I'm wasting time. And I'm renovating my apartment so my days look like this: training - > work -> training -> home and renovate. 

Was looking at some pictures from different trips I made this last year and got a bit emotional. I'm really happy I have taken all the opportunities to travel as much as I can this last year but it feels like I just want more. Would love to work somewhere where I could just travel around and meet new people. But everything will sort itself out in time and one day I know what I want but that day is not today. Guess life is about searching what you want in life. It would probably be kind of boring already knowing at age 23. 

Here comes a throwback with pictures from different trips this last year from Thailand/ New Mexico / California / South Africa / Lesotho / Sweden: 


Hope everybody has a great weekend! Xoxo


One more day

So one more day. Morning weight was today 62.3 kg so I should be okey until tomorrow. I will go and do a light workout and stretch something after work and after that probably go to a sauna and sweat the last kilos away. Feel really tired at the moment cause of the weight cut. So happy it is over tomorrow so I can eat some candy and maybe drink a bottle of wine. 

My co worker made my hair at work so it won't be in the way tomorrow. 

A pic from my last competition when my hair was in the way and when I didn't care about cutting weight..



With self-discipline most anything is possible.

The hardest thing with martial arts is the weight cut. To train many times a week in my opinion is not hard or even twice a day, cause the sport is my passion and I am usually looking forward every training. The only thing that makes it hard is the weigh cut before a fight/competition. 

I remember first time I overheard some training partners when I was younger talking about the struggle with weight cut and I remember me thinking "naah it is probably not that hard". But yes it is, cause it haunts you 24/7.  Knowing you need to weigh a certain weight at a certain date is stressful. 

I eat really clean normally and have kind of a "strict diet" I don't wanna call it a strict diet cause I see it more as a lifestyle and in my opinion that is not hard. I don't have often cravings after for example sugar or alcohol. But they are not eliminated. I have periods in my life when I feel like drinking more and periods I don't drink at all. But when I know I need to cut weight it is like my brain only thinks about everything I can't eat and want it even though I normally don't eat it. 

Normally I weigh 66 kg and I am now competing in -61.5 kg, that means I need to be 61.5 or less this Saturday when I am going to Finnish open, which is a NoGi- competition. This morning I was 62.8 kg so I am close, but not yet there. 

People ask me why I do it. Answer is simple, I wanna win. 

Pictures are from this weeks training.


"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you are not staying where you are"

So I've decided to start writing a blog again after a long break and this time I'll write in English. 

I am not going to write about all training I do cause I don't think anybody gives a shit how many times I train per week or day. I just wanna write when I feel like writing something cause I think it is really relaxing sometimes to just write what is on my mind at the moment  or after a trip write something and in couple of years go back and look back at your life. This is the only reason I wanna have a blog. 


Last year was a shit year, I hit the bottom. But I dig my way up thanks to my friends and training. Even though it was a shit year I'm thankful for everything cause I've changed as a person and I have changed my life cause of it and from all the shit a lot of good things followed, and 2016 has this far been my year. I decided I'll give MMA/submissionwrestling a try and see how far I can go and to do this I needed to move away from my hometown Vaasa where I've lived my whole life and where all of my friends and family lives. I applied for a job in Turku in the same company as I worked in Vaasa. Didn't think I would get it but then one day I got a phone call saying you've got the job when can you move here. So I packed all of my stuff and moved to Turku which is over 300 km from my hometown. So here I am now. First week was really weird cause I woke up every day and went to work where I didn't know anybody then went training and same thing there, then at the end of day coming home to a empty apartment by myself. It didn't take me though more then a week and I already knew a lot of people to not feel alone at all. I think everything depends on your attitude when you go to a new place and don't know anybody. If you wanna get to know people you just need to make an afford and that's what I did. Now I've been here for 3 months and have made a lot of friends. 

I started training here at Finn Fighters Gym and I love it. Learned more these last 3 months then I have in a long time. 

I work at Fennia insurance company as a sales assistant to company insurances. One day I decided I wanna work in a bar too so I applied to Aussiebar here in Turku and I've got that too. So that's what's up in my life at the moment, work and a lot of training. 

As it is now I am happy with my life. Just need to keep training and keep working forward my goals.