
"Once a year go someplace you've never been before"

So now I feel like writing a post. My last competition went really good. I got silver in my own weight category and in open. The biggest thing I was proud over was that I made the weight. That was mentally a hard one for me, but I did it.

In 2 weeks I will compete in my first BJJ competition and need to start cutting weight again. 

Otherwise what is happening in my life at the moment.. Well I'm trying to figure out what I want in my life, don't know why I'm stressing about it, but it feels like I'm wasting time. And I'm renovating my apartment so my days look like this: training - > work -> training -> home and renovate. 

Was looking at some pictures from different trips I made this last year and got a bit emotional. I'm really happy I have taken all the opportunities to travel as much as I can this last year but it feels like I just want more. Would love to work somewhere where I could just travel around and meet new people. But everything will sort itself out in time and one day I know what I want but that day is not today. Guess life is about searching what you want in life. It would probably be kind of boring already knowing at age 23. 

Here comes a throwback with pictures from different trips this last year from Thailand/ New Mexico / California / South Africa / Lesotho / Sweden: 


Hope everybody has a great weekend! Xoxo